Realm Play–New Author Blog

I would like to take this time out to thank all my followers and fans. This is also an invitation to check out my new author’s blog on WordPress titled Realm Play at

I created Realm Play as a mainstay for my novel series, upcoming projects and to journal my journey so far. Thanks for taking the journey with me! Feel free to interact on the T.O.O. Throne of Olympus Fan Page, browse around and get to know the characters, the myths and their realms. Let me know what you think and if any of you have tips on how I can make the site better, please let me know. Suggestions are welcome!

Book One  Cover 001

As for A Novel Perspective, I will continue to post on this blog. And sorry I haven’t been posting much lately, but with the release of T.O.O. and recovering from a nasty stomach bug…been swamped. Hope Realm Play will make up for some of the lost time and it will updated and more content added as it becomes available. Thank you guys so much for reading my posts, your support means a lot to me.

~ A.M. Day

The Night the Lights Went Out in Fantasy

It was a cold November day. The tiny animals were scurrying in the yard and down the street to add to their stockpile of winter goodies. And the bird’s nest perched on high above our front door looked a bit fuller. I made a mad dash to my friend’s home for our early Thanksgiving, food-filled foil pans in hands. My stomach was queasy and I was a little shaky…low blood sugar, I thought, since I hadn’t had more than a few cups of coffee earlier in the day.

Within the next couple of hours, my heart was racing, vision blurred and the wrenching in my gut was relentless. The comfort of my home was not going to be enough to end the chaos swirling inside my body. And then it happened! I will spare you all the gory details. But know that I thought my chances of ever publishing my debut novel or any novel had passed right before my watery, squinting eyes.

Nooo, there’s so much left to do, I moaned as I lay on the bathroom floor. Lucidity was somewhere in sight, I just couldn’t see it. I was one more round away from another battle with Murphy (the Law, not the man). That was the night the lights went out in fantasy for me (literally), I passed out. When I woke, I really thought it was the end. There was no light in the tunnel. How on earth could I go on writing in a genre that clearly hated me? I might’ve boycotted fantasy! In fact, I might’ve given up writing fantasy all together…okay, so I’m still recovering from that bug.

Finally, on Thanksgiving Day, I worked and worked on the computer to upload my novel for Kindle e-book edition with the hopes it would be ready in time for a “Black Friday” release. Already behind by several hours to meet the 12-hour deadline from review to live, my novel was born in both paperback and the e-book. *wipes sweat from brow and passes out for a couple hours sleep*

Some of you might think I was a little batty about the whole book thing, but this would’ve been one more setback in a series within the last several months that would keep my book from living outside my flash drive. I am pleased to announce that the first in this modern-day twist/Greek myth, urban fantasy series The Throne of Olympus Book One: Blood Bond is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle edition. 🙂

Big Thanks to all of you who continued to support me through this trying time!

Pass the Links #1–An Author’s Gratitude

A Pass the Links series

I initially got the idea to Pass the Linksfrom fellow blogger Kate Policani’s post High Time for Some Links. Thanks Kate! In that same spirit, I am paying it forward on this #FF. To thank my Twitter/WordPress blog followers for taking the time out to read my tweets and blog posts, I’ve compiled a list of their newly released and upcoming novels and writings.

If you follow me and don’t see your name on the list, don’t fret, I will be posting at least 5-10 author releases regularly over the next few months. So keep a look out for your name in my Pass the Links blog posts series. Also, feel free to leave comments with info on your newly released/upcoming novels and writings for me to post. Here is the first list of titles/authors and links below:

Thanks again,

~A.M. Day


Undaunted Love by Jennings Wright @JenningsWright

Heart Song by Samantha LaFantasie @SamLaFantasie

Heart Search: Lost by Carlie M.A. Cullen @carlie2011c

Wicked Tears by Amy Blaze @ablazebooks

Spindles (A Short Story) by L.B. Gale @LBGale


Shaken, Not Stirred by Aaron Cooley @fleming17f Nov. 2012

Broken Pieces by Rachel Thompson @RachelintheOC Nov. 2012

Don’t Judge a Book By Its Magic by Kate Policani @KPtwitrnovel Virtual Release Party October 26th 2012

Uprising by Jessica Therrien @JessicaTherrien Feb. 2013

Protector by Joanne Wadsworth @JoanneWadsworth Jan. 2013